GUTHI, is known in the society as an organisation of people working together and doing something collectively. This is however a wrong concept hanging in the market and needs to be rectified. The true meaning of GUTHI is anything that was built by our past generation which can not be recreated again and is in constant use in the society. Therefore it includes our ethnic dress, festivals, temples, important heritage sites, wells, musical instruments etc. So overall we can say everything in our culture can be classified as GUTHI. When translated from "Newari" it represents Gu= Nine and THI= Objects. It holds a special meaning as everything ranging from food, festivals etc are nine in this culture. For eg; the KWATI that we eat contains 9 grains, work in fields comes up-to 9 tasks and festivals in these time comes up to 9 as well.
Conserving all these things is every citizens responsibility. It does not only relate to certain caste, class or section of the community. If any association establihsed to conserve such culture of our country it is known as GUTHI Association. It is still continued in the Newar community from generations. For example CITI NAKHA GUTHI is associated with the cleaning of wells which have been in constant use in our community. The whole community cleans their well and not only a group of people in a small section. This is how people come closer and then celebrate the preserving of the culture by having a feast at the end. It also promotes the emotion of brotherhood within the community and motivates understanding among people.
It also prevails in the Magar community, which looks after the Manakama and its management. The Magar GUTHI collectively cleans the premises, manages the area and preserve the cultural heritage. Therefore GUTHI is an inevitable part of the human society coming together collectively for same aim of preserving their unique culture.